Frequently Asked Question

For most of us, the prospect of lodging a personal injury claim is almost as frightening as the accident itself. Even though you know that the justice system is intended to be fair and assist individuals in recovering the damages they deserve after sustaining injuries, most people are intimidated by it.

If you or a loved one has been injured, you are probably contemplating what your choices are as well as how to go about getting your expenses covered. These answers to frequently asked questions concerning personal injury cases in California can help you know what to do. If you have any additional questions, you are free to contact our attorneys at the Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer Law Firm.

Damage caps exist in several states, limiting the sum a petitioner can collect for a personal injury case. You can usually collect your monetary losses in California to the maximum possible extent. The primary damage cap in California law applies to non-economic losses (such as suffering and pain) in medical negligence cases. You could receive a maximum of $250,000 in non-monetary damages if you are a claimant in a medical negligence lawsuit in California.

Your insurance provider may likewise offer you a ridiculously low settlement proposal. The less money paid out in lawsuits, the more revenue the corporation makes. The insurance provider's goal isn't to give you the highest amount of money; it's to handle the claim for the least amount of money necessary.

When the amount granted by the insurance provider is unable to meet your bills, a personal injury attorney can assist you in pursuing more damages or filing a claim.

If your case qualifies under small claims court, you could be able to take legal action without retaining a lawyer. You can submit any case in small claims court which you could bring in regular court, provided your claim is below $10,000. A claimant in California cannot make a lawsuit that is above $2,500 more than two times annually. A public organization or business is limited to $5,000.

Small claims court could be a viable option if you intend to collect less than $10,000. It will save you money and effort while allowing you to collect your damages fast. In small claims court, many individuals present their cases without the assistance of a lawyer. If the injury was caused at your workplace, you could be capable of handling it on your own using the workers' compensation program.

Choosing an attorney, like picking a physician or counselor, is a very intimate decision. You should feel comfortable with sharing personal details with your attorney and trust that he or she will be your most capable advocate and friend for whatever you seek to recover.

You can compare prices to find the best deal. This is one approach, but it is not necessarily the best. Oftentimes, like with anything else, you always get what you paid for. But that is not to say that you need to hire the most expensive attorney in town; rather, there is usually a neutral ground of attorneys who charge reasonable fees and are not the least or the most expensive.

You'll want to hire an attorney who has dealt with cases similar to yours before. Some personal injury attorneys focus on bad faith insurance, medical negligence, and motorcycle accidents, among other areas of personal injury cases. If your case is going to be difficult, it's crucial to ask your attorney if they've ever contested a case like yours before, as well as how acquainted they are with the rules and regulations governing the subject in question.

In general, when the incident or accident that led to your injuries was the indirect or direct consequence of somebody else's carelessness or unlawful acts, you have standing for a personal injury lawsuit. For this explanation, "somebody else" can be another individual, a group of several people, a company or a business, a manufacturer of certain products, a government organization, or another party. "Negligence" refers to acts or lack of actions that are negligent or irresponsible, while "unlawful acts" refer to criminal or illegal actions.
For instance, if you had been struck by a drunk motorist and suffered traumatic brain injuries that prompted considerable medical care and prevented you from working for months, you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit since the motorist acted negligently by driving while intoxicated. Even though you only sustained minor injuries, you have a foundation for a personal injury lawsuit if you had been struck by a vehicle walking on the street and the motorist was using his or her phone at the moment of the accident.

You can demand compensation if you can show that the other party owed you a duty of reasonable care, that he or she violated that duty of reasonable care, and that you sustained injuries as a consequence. In other cases, such as those involving defective products and dog bites, you may not even have to establish that another individual or entity was responsible. It's always preferable to discuss your legal protections and choices with a skilled personal injury attorney.

The claimant bears the burden of proof throughout all personal injury cases to show that these factors exist:

  • Duty.

  • Violation.

  • Causation.

  • Predictability.

  • Damages.

Everybody bears a duty of care to those around them, regardless of whether they are fellow motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, clients in retail stores, doctor-patient relationships, or any case where people interact. That indicates you have a responsibility to take action or refrain from acting in a particular way to avoid harming others.

An accused could be found negligent when he or she violates that obligation and causes the complainant's harm in a manner that may have been objectively foreseeable.

California employs a comparative fault concept. That is, if the claimant was somewhat to blame for the injuries, the damage claim will be lowered in proportion to their degree of culpability.

In other terms, when the court determines that the injuries were 80% of the accused's responsibility and 20 percent of the plaintiff's responsibility, the claimant will be awarded 20% lower than what the total compensatory damages would have been.

Only a small percentage of personal injury lawsuits go to court trials. The vast majority of cases result in settlements with the defendants or with insurance companies. Regrettably, the length of time a case takes to negotiate a settlement is difficult to estimate and therefore can vary greatly. A claim involving severe injuries and a large sum of compensation will, on average, take much longer to resolve since the insurance will push harder for it. A settlement could take much longer when the issue is complicated or responsibility is questionable. Having legal representation can sometimes persuade an insurance provider to make a reasonable offer sooner in this process, knowing that they will be less inclined to take any advantage of the situation.

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This implies that when you get your payout or a damages award, you'll have to pay the attorney a portion of the sum. Lawyers don't get paid in a fixed sum, although it's normally approximately 33% of whatever you collect. You will not have to pay any attorney fees when you lose in court or collect nothing from the case.

There could be upfront charges as well. If your attorney needs to engage detectives or expert testimony, or when the case necessitates traveling, you could be charged for those fees before you receive any compensation.

Take a look at the fine print in the retainer contract you sign with an attorney. Based on the scale of your lawsuit, the accused, and the possibility of winning, there may be some room for bargaining. And do not be shy about talking to a potential attorney about any queries or concerns you might have before signing the retainer.

The worth of your personal injury claim will be based on the extent of your injury and can only be determined after a comprehensive investigation into your case. You can get an estimate from personal injury lawyers in your region based on comparable cases they've handled. But, you ought to be warned that lawyers are not permitted to promise a specific amount of compensation or to forecast the results of a lawsuit.

Any estimates you get will almost certainly be imprecise. Another consideration is how much money you can recover, which could be determined by circumstances including any at-fault entities' insurance, their properties, as well as your insurance.

A settlement can sometimes result in a larger compensation amount and lower costs than a trial finding. The majority of personal injury attorneys will attempt to resolve a case outside of court. Settlements could help you in a variety of ways, as there are various reasons why averting a trial could be beneficial:

A trial could take a long time. It could take several months or even years to get a trial. And, when the trial begins, you might have to bring eyewitnesses, which takes a lot of time for everybody and costs more money when out-of-town eyewitnesses are called. You might also have to take time from work, and a court trial could cause you to miss out on other aspects of your life.

A trial may also include an appeals phase. If the accused appeals the ruling, you'll have to wait longer and spend more money, and you'll still have to cover medical expenses and other charges associated with the injuries sustained as you wait for the settlement.

A trial could be costly. Many retainer agreements for a personal injury attorney include a clause that their hourly fees will go up by a specific rate should the case go to trial. That's because a trial will take much more effort and time, restricting their capacity to take up other cases.

You may have to incur additional costs for expert accounts. Your attorney will most likely have previously retained professionals for witness statements or petitions before settling, but having them testify as witnesses at trial will require additional fees.

You may be called to testify. When the defense wants to demonstrate that you were at fault for the incident (and the accused may hope for that to be the case), you'll be interrogated by the accused's lawyers during the cross-examination. Questions might include specifics about your physiological and physical state both during and following the accident. It can be uncomfortable, stressful, and tough to testify in front of a jury.

A settlement could be sealed. A court trial is generally opened for the general public, and recordings of witness accounts (even expert statements) become a part of the general public records. A settlement deal could include a clause stating that the specifics will be kept confidential.

The jury could be unpredictable. You may believe you have a strong case and that the accused's liability is obvious. Your attorney might even concur. However, a jury can be unpredictable. Even the most competent attorneys lose cases from time to time, and may you never predict how the jury will decide on a case.

In certain cases, a judge could require you to cover the accused's attorney fees when you lose during the trial. That is, instead of recovering money for yourself, you will owe the accused money.

You should not. The insurer isn't working with your interests in mind, regardless of what they might tell you. The adjuster's purpose is to look for a means to spare the insurance company funds by denying or reducing your compensation. Adjusters often use a warm tone to persuade you to accept culpability or liability for the accident. The adjuster then will utilize this statement or remark to lower or deny your compensation entirely.

Other techniques used by the adjusters include a swift payout or the promises of a settlement if you agree to waive any future lawsuits against their client. While receiving money immediately following an injury could appear to be favorable, it is not in your best interests to dismiss your entitlement to reasonable compensation damages until after you are done with your medical care and all accident-related damages have been identified.

Note that once you've admitted culpability or uttered a statement that releases the insurance provider of liability in any manner, the damage is almost always irreversible. Before speaking with the adjuster, get legal guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney.

If you were involved in a vehicle accident caused by the other motorist's negligence, your insurance provider needs to work with their insurer to cover your costs. However, in actuality, your insurance provider can only do so much. There's little your insurance provider can do when the other motorist's insurance provider fails to acknowledge culpability or when the insurance companies can't settle on how much money your losses are worth.

The only recourse in personal injury lawsuits is monetary compensation. When you initiate a personal injury case, you will include a claim for a specific sum of "damages." This is the sum of compensation the defendant must pay you should you win the case. Based on the damages you've suffered, an attorney can assist you to calculate what your claim should be.

Personal injury laws are founded on the goal of making the sufferer "whole." It aims to put you back in the spot you would have been in if the incident hadn't occurred. The court accomplishes this by granting money to compensate for any costs that are incurred as a result of the damages or injury. Damages can be monetary, non-monetary, or punitive.

The following are examples of economic losses:

  • Medical care.

  • Property repairs or replacement.

  • Lost wages as well as potential earnings.

  • Lost earning potential.

The following are examples of non-economic damages:

  • Suffering and pain.

  • Lost consortium.

  • Loss of happiness in life.

  • Frustration.

  • Emotional anguish.

Punitive damages are meant to penalize an offender for committing a serious crime. They are rare since the civil legal system is not designed for punishing the offenders like criminal courts. Punitive damages are usually awarded to a party that caused the injury. It's designed to work as a lesson to that party as well as others, in addition to punishing them.

In California, the claimant must prove that the accused's acts were motivated by contempt, harassment, or fraud to receive punitive damages.

You could still be able to recover damages against the party who caused the accident. The compensation could be lowered to compensate for the pre-existing medical condition, although you could hold someone else responsible if the condition worsens. Someone who engages with you treats you as they have found you, thus it's pointless whether or not somebody without your affliction could've been hurt. However, because many cases are more complicated and may demand specialized assistance, consulting with a lawyer is very vital.

A personal injury claim is a case that can be filed if you have been injured by an individual or entity such as an organization, a business, or a government agency, as a result of negligence or deliberate wrongdoing. A personal injury could range from physical injury sustained in a car crash to emotional turmoil caused by slander or libel perpetrated against you.

Personal injuries would include any of the following:

  • Battery or assault.

  • Truck or car accident.

  • Falling and slipping.

  • Damage to property.

  • Workplace illnesses or accidents.

  • Defamation.

  • A faulty medical device or drug.

  • Wrongful death.

  • Emotional distress.

  • Contract infringement.

  • Medical malpractice.

  • Defective product.

  • Toxic damage and pollution (exposure).

In other terms, a "tort" is any non-criminal act that costs you emotional, physical, or financial harm.

Each jurisdiction sets its timelines for filing cases, well known as statutes of limitations. You should file a claim within a certain time frame, or you will lose your chance to submit a case. The California statute of limitations varies depending on the nature of a personal injury case. The statute of limitations for most personal injuries is two years before the date of the accident, although there are rare exceptions.

Your first goal should be to ensure your safety. Then begin gathering proof. Take photos of the accident scene and save all the items that were damaged in the accident. Obtain the names as well as contact details of any eyewitnesses. Call the cops to have your accident investigated, and ensure you have a record of the accident that occurred or any other documentation (like an incident report that was compiled by the owner of the property).

Even though you feel okay, get medical assistance soon. You could be suffering from delayed-onset injuries. Speak to your physician about all of your concerns, despite how small they are, and take heed to their directions.

Consulting with a physician not only safeguards your well-being but also generates documentation of your symptoms that can be used to back up your personal injury lawsuit, so save records of everything. Then, before speaking with your insurance provider, you should consult with a personal injury attorney immediately. While you are focused on getting healthy, we can defend your interests and rights.

Find a Personal Injury Law Firm Near Me

When you have been injured in an accident, you have a lot on your plate. You're dealing with injuries, hospital bills, or lost wages. The very last thing you want is to be concerned about interacting with the insurance provider. Our personal injury lawyers from Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer Law Firm could take care of things for you so you can concentrate on recovering. We represent clients throughout Sacramento. For a free initial consultation, please feel free to contact us at 916-313-4859.

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Why Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer Law Firm

Our qualified legal counsels understand the financial and emotional toll injuries take on accident victims and that every personal injury case is unique. We strive to make the legal process as smooth as possible. Our lawyers will do our best to meet you where you are: the hospital, home, or wherever is convenient for you.

While challenging an established insurance company, defendant's lawyer, or employer can be daunting, our lawyers are relentless, using in-depth knowledge of how insurers operate and learning their tricks. Moreover, we will thoroughly investigate your case circumstances using the latest technology and employing methodical and assertive tactics to develop customized legal strategies. We do this with one objective; presenting a solid case and obtaining the compensation you need and deserve.

When your future depends on reasonable compensation, you can rely on us. Please call our office at 916-313-4859 to schedule your initial and confidential consultation. We look forward to meeting and helping you.
